16 Aug 2009

Busy busy....

Wow, time sure does fly. I can't believe that it was march that I last posted on my blog. So much has happend since then. I won the Treasure designer of the Year in London earlier this year which was a huge surprise but also a confirmation in a way for me that I was not just kidding myself about something that I was so passionate about. I was selected from seventy other very talented designer makers. I finally feel like I'm getting my bearings back in a country that still feels new for me.

Other exciting events I am looking forwards to is Origin in London, Lustre , Made and Handmade in Britain besides the many exhibitons which are also scheduled. I hope and pray that I will be ready with all my pieces in time for these events.

I am developing a few new exciting pieces which I look forwards to uploading soon. Here's a sneak peak.

I have also recently been shortlisted for the Shell Live wire Grand ideas Award... Please please vote for me. All you have to do is Click here Register and cast your Vote before the 31st of August.

Im keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for the moment.
Until next time !!xx


Anonymous said...

Your work it's simply extraordinary! For month now I'm trying to find a place/site from where I can buy your pieces of art. No luck so far. Please let me know where if such a place/site exists. Thank you!


Tusheeta David said...

Thank you for your appreciation. If you look at my website www.tusheeta.com and let me know which pieces you are interested in, I can send them to you directly!